About Us and the History of CECTH
To encourage the development of Equine Assisted Activities programs in Pennsylvania, a state wide coordinating council was formed in June 1980. There were representatives from Penn State University’s 4-H program and the Easter Seal Society of Pennsylvania. At that time nine programs in nine different counties existed. Five of these programs were 4-H affiliated and seven were members of the North American Riding for the Handicapped (NARHA), which is now PATH Intl.
Through much hard work substantial progress was made and with that, the need for instructor education became clear. The seeds were planted to design curriculum for the first Instructor Training Course which was held at The Hartman Center in Milroy PA in 1980, the remains of which are still in place today in the Instructor Training Phases.
In March 1984, the Council for Therapeutic Horseback Riding for the Handicapped was incorporated and recognized as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation. Therapeutic riding instructors have been certified by CECTH across the US and abroad. A Coordinator/ Executive Director was hired, By Laws were written and plans materialized for the first Annual Conference which was held in 1986 in Grantville PA. The theme was “An Interchange of Ideas” during which established programs were able to help and answer questions for those folks who were in the early stages of program building. Progress was mighty and everyone was excited for the future.
As the years moved forward and the Council expanded its educational role internationally, it became clear that the name “The Pennsylvania Council on Therapeutic Horsemanship” was limiting. Therefore, at the Annual PACTH Membership Meeting in 2014, the Membership again voted to change the name of the organization to “The Council for Education and Certification in Therapeutic Horsemanship” (CECTH) to be more in keeping with its worldwide presence while fulfilling the mission statement: To Provide Mentoring, Education and Certification in Equine Assisted Activities and Therapy. Currently CECTH has 53 Qualified Instructor s and 25 Center members.
The Council, working in conjunction with PATH Intl. and HETI, the international organization, continues to be in tune with the changes in the industry and will continue to be a mentor for all its members.
Through much hard work substantial progress was made and with that, the need for instructor education became clear. The seeds were planted to design curriculum for the first Instructor Training Course which was held at The Hartman Center in Milroy PA in 1980, the remains of which are still in place today in the Instructor Training Phases.
In March 1984, the Council for Therapeutic Horseback Riding for the Handicapped was incorporated and recognized as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation. Therapeutic riding instructors have been certified by CECTH across the US and abroad. A Coordinator/ Executive Director was hired, By Laws were written and plans materialized for the first Annual Conference which was held in 1986 in Grantville PA. The theme was “An Interchange of Ideas” during which established programs were able to help and answer questions for those folks who were in the early stages of program building. Progress was mighty and everyone was excited for the future.
As the years moved forward and the Council expanded its educational role internationally, it became clear that the name “The Pennsylvania Council on Therapeutic Horsemanship” was limiting. Therefore, at the Annual PACTH Membership Meeting in 2014, the Membership again voted to change the name of the organization to “The Council for Education and Certification in Therapeutic Horsemanship” (CECTH) to be more in keeping with its worldwide presence while fulfilling the mission statement: To Provide Mentoring, Education and Certification in Equine Assisted Activities and Therapy. Currently CECTH has 53 Qualified Instructor s and 25 Center members.
The Council, working in conjunction with PATH Intl. and HETI, the international organization, continues to be in tune with the changes in the industry and will continue to be a mentor for all its members.
About Our Programs
CECTH offers a variety of quality educational opportunities benefiting both the membership and qualified instructors . In addition to the 3 Phases of the Qualified Instructor Program (QI), CECTH is also known for the depth of its conferences held at the regional and nation levels providing other learning avenues through hands-on seminars and clinics.
The CECTH Qualified Instructor (QI) Training Program is held in the highest regard by insurance carriers (liability), employers, and adjunct certification programs. The rigorous program is held in three phases: Phase l is a virtual online training. Phase ll is a multi day workshop providing hands-on opportunities utilizing role playing and other applications. And Phase lll is the final certification held on-site allowing candidates to demonstrate their teaching skills to QI evaluators at the instructors own program..
Therapists, program administrators, medical and mental health professionals, volunteers, parents and other interested individuals whose goal is to increase their knowledge about therapeutic riding will find the Instructor-in-Training Level a good source for continuing their education in the field. Individuals intending to be fully certified can test to the Instructor, or Master Instructor level. It is expected that candidates at these two levels will already possess a base knowledge of horses, riding, teaching and disabilities. Riding skills need to be demonstrated at the upper levels.
CECTH issues the QI Certificate to individuals who have accumulated required teaching hours and who have successfully completed Phases l and 2 and who have achieved a passing score on the Phase lll evaluation.
CECTH membership is based upon the calendar year - January 1 through December 31. Memberships are available in a variety of packages, so you should be able to find a membership level that suits your needs and involvement with the CECTH. Memberships are available as follows:
* Life Individual
* Individual
* Life Center
* Center
* QI - Instructor
* Student
CECTH offers a variety of quality educational opportunities benefiting both the membership and qualified instructors . In addition to the 3 Phases of the Qualified Instructor Program (QI), CECTH is also known for the depth of its conferences held at the regional and nation levels providing other learning avenues through hands-on seminars and clinics.
The CECTH Qualified Instructor (QI) Training Program is held in the highest regard by insurance carriers (liability), employers, and adjunct certification programs. The rigorous program is held in three phases: Phase l is a virtual online training. Phase ll is a multi day workshop providing hands-on opportunities utilizing role playing and other applications. And Phase lll is the final certification held on-site allowing candidates to demonstrate their teaching skills to QI evaluators at the instructors own program..
Therapists, program administrators, medical and mental health professionals, volunteers, parents and other interested individuals whose goal is to increase their knowledge about therapeutic riding will find the Instructor-in-Training Level a good source for continuing their education in the field. Individuals intending to be fully certified can test to the Instructor, or Master Instructor level. It is expected that candidates at these two levels will already possess a base knowledge of horses, riding, teaching and disabilities. Riding skills need to be demonstrated at the upper levels.
CECTH issues the QI Certificate to individuals who have accumulated required teaching hours and who have successfully completed Phases l and 2 and who have achieved a passing score on the Phase lll evaluation.
CECTH membership is based upon the calendar year - January 1 through December 31. Memberships are available in a variety of packages, so you should be able to find a membership level that suits your needs and involvement with the CECTH. Memberships are available as follows:
* Life Individual
* Individual
* Life Center
* Center
* QI - Instructor
* Student